Thank you for reaching out to ROYCE GRACIE ACADEMY TOKYO!
We value our GRACIR JIU-JITSU SELF DEFENSE SYSTEM as our main focus.

We run our Gracie Jiu-Jitsu classes both in English and in Japanese. Please feel free to call or message us in English.

We welcome both short-term visitors (with tourist visa), as well as long-term membership (with resident visa)  to learn the true art of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Self defense system.

If you download our member app, you can access all the information such as class schedule, pricing and booking.

then type in the invitation code:  ROYCETOKYO


WEB EXCLUSIVE SPECIAL OFFER !! (Japanese Resident Visa holders only)

Please sign up for our web membership, with your Name and phone number, and we will get back to you with our web exclusive special offer, including access to our schedule.

Secure your spot and get started today with our WEB EXCLUSIVE OFFER!

  • WEB EXCLUSIVE OFFER 1.   One time Free Trial Lesson
  • WEB EXCLUSIVE OFFER 2.   One-Month Unlimited Royce Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Membership for only 10,000yen!


    WEB EXCLUSIVE OFFER 1:   For Royce Gracie Jiu-Jitsu classes (“RGJJ Level 1 Classes”,  both for kids and adults), we offer you a free-trial lesson.  Japan residents visa holders only.
    Your Trial lesson can be booked on;

    Mon  7pm

    Tue  noon & 7pm

    Thu  Noon & 8pm

    Fri   8pm

    Sat  11am

    (On Sun 9am, there is “Sunday morning Open Air Workout” class, but no RGJJ class)

    Also, there are short fitness classes (usually 30 minutes) connecting to RGJJ level 1 classes.
    If you hold a Blue belt and above from other BJJ schools, there are a few advanced level classes you can also try, however, permissions are granted only after joining one Level 1 class. (we don’t follow IBJJF competition rules)

    Please pick a class from our schedule and let us know.

    For your first trial lesson, we will provide you with a free rental Royce Gracie official uniform. (usually 1000yen)

    Regarding the fees, we have 2 monthly contract membership options, and also 2 non-contract basis, 1 is  private lessons and the other is drop-ins.

    Our monthly contract memberships are “Royce Gracie Jiu-Jitsu membership” (for short, RGJJ membership), and “Fitness Only Membership”

    RGJJ membership offers unlimited access to the classes offered at RGJJTOKYO (except for Premium Fitness Classes), while Fitness Only Membership excludes Royce Gracie Jiu-Jitsu classes, but 4 x Premium Fitness Class included.

    RGJJ membership: 18000yen

    Fitness membership: 10000yen

    For both membership, One-time registration fee: 20000yen is required (3000yen Yearly membership renewal on January after the second year). Sports Anzen Insurance premium will be purchased for 2000yen, which covers your liability and injury/death.  Details on the website of スポーツ安全保険協会.

    For all the RGJJ classes, RGJJ official uniform  (i.e. gis, belt and rash guard) is a prerequisite attire. (exemption may apply in case of emergency)

    (All pricing shown excluding 10% consumption tax)

    If you have any further questions, Max Masuzawa, the head instructor/Owner is fluent in English, so please send your inquiry to

    call +81 (0)80-3450-9585 in English.
    We are happy to assist you.

    Also, please download our member app to access all these information such as class schedule, pricing and so on.

    then type in the invitation code:  ROYCETOKYO

    Online member registoration is required to log on the member app, where you can access the class schedule, pricing and other information.